Our work has taken us to cities and communities throughout the UK to develop place-based strategies for resilience and change
Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Stewardship Body
Augarde & Partners is working closely with five Councils in Essex and Hertfordshire
Ealing Borough of Culture
Augarde & Partners worked closely with Council colleagues to produce an inspiring and exciting bid for the London Borough of Culture 2025.
Feasibility study for a Creative Land Trust for Brighton and Hove
A&P is producing a delivery model and financial plan to launch and sustain a Creative Land Trust.
Old Oak & Park Royal Development Corporation
A business case and implementation model for a new social-orientated property vehicle
Gravesham cultural assets delivery plan
Supporting Gravesend to become the cultural hub of North Kent
Wick Workspaces
Reviewing the social value of Trowbridge Gardens enterprise hub in Hackney Wick
Derby City Centre Cultural Masterplan
A mapping exercise and cultural masterplan for Derby city centre