colourful clothing and fabric laid out and hung up in a shop


Our work has taken us to cities and communities throughout the UK to develop place-based strategies for resilience and change

Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

Lots Road regeneration

A social value strategy to support Mount Anvil’s bid to develop this site in Kensington & Chelsea

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Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

Empson Street

A placemaking, development and business plan strategy to bring disused industrial space back into use

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Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

Enfield Cultural Trust

An options appraisal and business plan for a new trust model to hold cultural assets and venues in LB Enfield

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Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

Clair Hall

Strategy for Cultural Centre in Haywards Heath

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Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

Fore Street revitalisation

A placemaking strategy to support LB Enfield’s Joyce & Snell’s estate regeneration scheme and the revitalisation of Fore Street

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Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

London Dock

A commercial strategy to position London Dock as a cultural centre of an emerging neighbourhood

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Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

Creative Estuary

A strategy to secure a pipeline of affordable creative workspace as part of the Thames Estuary Production Corridor initiative

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Paul Augarde Paul Augarde

Friar’s Close

A social value strategy, community needs assessment and a community funding strategy for a site in Central London

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